April 13, 2014

Days 22-28

Day 22
 Yay . . . spring is springing up at last!

Day 23
 Azalea leaves greening up nicely.

Day 24
 "Let me see your face, let me hear your voice, 
for your face is lovely and your voice is sweet." 
Song of Songs 2:14

Day 25
 This clematis seed head survived the winter and is so fun to photograph.

Day 26
 My other hellebore . . . "Ivory Prince".

Day 27
 Last week this was filled with snow.  What a difference a week makes.

Day 28
Tight buds of fragrant hyacinth pushing up to the sun.

1 comment:

  1. again such amazing beauty Spring brings for our eyes and hearts~ you have captured it beautifully!


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