April 27, 2012

Days 71-77

Day 71
Sun-kissed tulips highlight the texture of the petals.

Day 72
Stone steps and sprawling vines.

Day 73
While shooting an update for my Urban Parks Photo Challenge I captured this little lady nestled beside a fern at the water's edge.  I just love the reflection of the foot bridge that dominates the image.

Day 74
The last of the hyacinth . . . no longer standing erect but still beautiful.  
Farewell until next spring.

Day 75
Quite a few rainy days this week . . . 

Day 76
Granny-love . . . a little blurry but true sentiment.

Day 77
More rain . . . but it made for a lovely picture.  
Reminds me of a slideshow I once watched called "Billboards from God".  There was one that said, "Don't forget your umbrella, I might water the plants today.  ~ God"


  1. Lovely, lovely, Andrea. Your knee must be doing exceedingly well with all of your photo shoots of late!

  2. Your Tulips... no words for them!!!!
    and the duck and fern! got my heart!

    1. Thanks, Susan, I think that duck & fern shot is one of my all time faves.


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