May 28, 2016

Days 120-126

Day 120
Painted petals.

Day 121
African violets blooming again after a long rest.

Day 122
Funny boys.  This little house shaped shelf has been thoroughly sniffed. Every nook, every cranny. OK, it can stay, kitty approved.

Day 123
Pretty pink strawberry blossoms.

Day 124
White Persian lilacs.

Day 125
Hens & Chicks, no roosters.

Day 126
Mystery shrub, gorgeous foliage and golden clusters.
 Anyone know what this is called?


  1. These are so awesome... original and beautifully you

  2. I believe the mystery shrub is a smoke bush/tree. I think. That's such a great shot of the tulip. Our strawberry blossoms are white and I think your pink ones are much prettier.


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