November 4, 2013

Days 260-266

Day 260
 Ruffled feathers.

Day 261
 This little mushroom village sprouted up overnight.

Day 262
 A perfect pumpkin at the pumpkin patch.

Day 263
 Beautiful orange Zacky-boy  . . . what are you doing on the kitchen table?

Day 264
 Some leafy stragglers bravely hanging on.

Day 265
 Autumn beauty.

Day 266
The dahlia's were very slow growing this year but are sharing the love long after other's have packed it in for the season.


  1. your leafy stragglers and ruffled feathers my big favourites this morning~ all gorgeous... it is getting close to the end of the 365... can hardly believe how quickly that keeps happening.
    Joy to you today my dear friend. Would love to slip in for a cuppa... do you Skype?

  2. I think I'd like to sit in your little mushroom village for a while... and take tea with the faeries. :) Lovely as always Andrea. Thank you.


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