Day 71
Sun-kissed tulips highlight the texture of the petals.
Day 72
Stone steps and sprawling vines.
Day 73
While shooting an update for my Urban Parks Photo Challenge I captured this little lady nestled beside a fern at the water's edge. I just love the reflection of the foot bridge that dominates the image.
Day 74
The last of the hyacinth . . . no longer standing erect but still beautiful.
Farewell until next spring.
Day 75
Quite a few rainy days this week . . .
Day 76
Granny-love . . . a little blurry but true sentiment.
Day 77
More rain . . . but it made for a lovely picture.
Reminds me of a slideshow I once watched called "Billboards from God". There was one that said, "Don't forget your umbrella, I might water the plants today. ~ God"