February 17, 2012

Days 1-7

My first post of this new adventure . . . planning to post each Friday for the previous week.  I think I just might learn some new things about myself on this grand adventure . . . here we go.

Day 1
Birthday gift from my daughter . . . she knows about me and cemeteries.  Perfect choice for this genealogy buff.

Day 2
Birthday flowers . . . love those spikey greens but don't know what they are.

Day 3
"A" is for Andrea . . . or Alison, as these letter stamps belong to her.

Day 4
Two of the ingredients for my special cocktail of ginger, lemon, honey and cayenne pepper.  I prepare a hot drink that has never failed to chase away the sniffles, a stuffed nose or a scratchy throat.  Had to use it this past week . . . worked like a charm.

Day 5
Birthday cards from my dad and my sister.  One came early, one came late, but both had beautiful messages and a sweet treat inside.  Thank you, my dears.

Day 6
Plant-based, biodegradable cleaning products . . . no phosphorous, no bleach.  I do try to live a greener lifestyle in as many areas as possible.  

Day 7
Dinner and a movie night . . . "The Vow" with Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum.  I went with my daughter and 5 young ladies in wheelchairs from her boccia club.

Until next week . . .

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of your movie night with all the girls...
    your cocktail is also proven faithful in our home!


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